2011 The Language Is the Music: Perceptions of Authority and Authenticity in Hawaiian Language Composition And Vocal Performance. Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy in Music, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [ online abstract ]
2003 Nā Hīmeni A John Kameaaloha Almeida: He Kālailaina Hoʻohālikelike Me Ke Kālele Ma Luna O Ka ʻokoʻa O Ka Puana Kamaʻilio A Me Ka Puana Hīmeni (The Songs of John Kameaaloha Almeida, A Comparative Analysis With Emphasis On The Differences In Spoken and Sung Pronunciation). Thesis, Master of Arts in Hawaiian Language and Literature, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, Hilo, Hawai‘i. [ online ]
2017 Review: Hawaiian Music in Motion: Mariners, Missionaries,
and Minstrels. By James Revell Carr. In Journal of American History, June 2017, Vol. 104 No. 1.
2017 Review: Hawaiian Music and Musicians (Ka Mele Hawaiʻi A Me Ka Poʻe Mele): An Encyclopedic History, Second Edition. Edited by Dr. George S. Kanahele and John Berger. Palapala: a journal for Hawaiian language and literature, Vol. 1. [ online ]
2015 An Interview With Rev. Dennis Kamakahi: “Ka Manu” And Conversations With The Past. Perfect Beat. Vol 16, No 1-2. [ abstract online ]
2013 He Ahupua‘a Ke Mele: The Ahupua‘a Land Division As A Conceptual Metaphor For Hawaiian Language Composition. Ethnomusicology Review. [ online ]
2013 Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Instruction: Moving Forward By Looking Back. Hūlili: Multidisciplinary Research on Hawaiian Well-Being, Vol. 7, Fall 2012, Pauahi Publications, Kamehameha Schools, Honolulu, Hawai‘i.
2011 Puana ‘ia me ka ‘Oko‘a: A Comparative Analysis of Hawaiian Language Pronunciation As Spoken And Sung. Language Documentation & Conservation (LD&C) journal, Vol. 5, University of Hawai‘i Press. [ online ]
2008 Review of CD Release “Kapi‘olani” by Kūlia i ka Pūnāwai (the Kumu Hula Association of Southern California). The World of Music, v50 n2.
2007 Ka Grammy Hawai‘i: Pehea Lā E Pono Ai? (The Hawaiian Grammy: How Can It Be Made Right?) Published in two parts in the Kauakūlalahale Hawaiian language column of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 18 & 25, 2007. [ Feb 18, 207 online | Feb 25, 2007 online ]
2003 Ke A‘o Ho‘okeleka‘a‘ike – Hawaiian Language Instruction Via The Internet. Conference Proceedings, The Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Conference on Hypermedia In Education. Silva, Kalena and Donaghy, Keola
1997 ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i – A Rich Oral History, A Bright Digital Future. Cultural Survival Quarterly, 24.1. Donaghy, Keola [ online ]
1997 Leokī: A powerful voice of Hawaiian language revitalization, Computer Assisted Language Learning Journal #10. Warschauer, Mark. and Donaghy, Keola. [ online ]
2015 Pupukahi I Holomua (Uniting To Progress): Collaboration Between Indigenous and Non- Indigenous In The Perpetuation of Hawaiian Music. Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
2015 The Institute of Hawaiian Music: Music, Industry, and Community Engagement. Hawai‘i Strategy Institute, Leeward Community College, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i.
2012 I Ke Mele Ke Ola: Hawaiian Language Lives Through Song. Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
2010 Ka Haku Hua‘ōlelo ‘Enehana: Lexicon Creation, Implementation and Issues For Technology Use in the Hawaiian Language, Indigenous Language Institute Symposium on Native Language Terminology Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
2010 He Ahupua‘a Ke Mele: A Traditional Land Division and The Hydrologic Cycle As A Conceptual Metaphor For Hawaiian Language Composition, Humanities of the Lesser-Knowns Conference, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
2010 Ka Haku Pualu: Collaboration in Hawaiian Language Composition, ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center Merrie Monarch Hawaiian Music Series, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo.
2009 Ka ‘Ehehana Hawai‘i – Technology in Hawaiian Language Revitalization and Community Building. 1st International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
2009 Pai Ka Leo – Raising Hawaiian Language Through Its Music. 1st International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
2009 Pai Ka Leo – Raising Hawaiian Language Through Its Music. Society For Ethnomusicology Southern California and Hawai‘i Chapter Annual Meeting, University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.
2006 Panel Chair, “The Hawaiian Guitar”. The Society for Ethnomusicology World Conference, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
2006 Keynote Speaker – Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Annual Conference (CALICO), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
2005 Hawaiian Historical Society Annual Conference (HPU – Hawai‘iloa Campus)
2005 The Songs of John Kameaaloha Almeida, A Comparative Analysis With Emphasis On The Differences In Spoken and Sung Pronunciation. The International Council of Traditional Council World Conference (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England)
2004 Ke A‘o Ho‘okeleka‘a‘ike – Hawaiian Language Instruction Via The Internet. Southwest Association For Language Learning and Technology Fall Conference (Brigham Young University Hawai’i)
2004 Distance Education, Distributed Learning & Language Instruction. National Foreign Language Resource Center Conference (UH-Mānoa)
2004 Ke A‘o Ho‘okeleka‘a‘ike – Hawaiian Language Instruction Via The Internet. Pan-Pacific Distance Learning Association Annual Conference (Honolulu)
2004 Hawaiian Education Association Conference (Windward Community College, O‘ahu)
2003 Association for the Advancement of Computer in Education (AACE) Conference on Hypermedia (Honolulu)
2003 DigitalStream Language and Technology Conference (Monterey, CA)
2000 ‘Aha Kūkā ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, ‘Ahahui ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i Language Conference (Honolulu)
2000 Hawai‘i Association of Language Teachers (HALT) Conference (Honolulu)
1999 World Indigenous People’s Conference on Education (Hilo)
1999 Hi‘ialo, Hi‘ikua, Native Hawaiian Education Council (Honolulu)
1998 The National Foreign Language Center’s Summer Institute (Honolulu)
1997 Best Practices in Internet Delivered Education (Honolulu)
1997 The Hawai‘i Library Association Annual Conference (Honolulu)
1996 The National Foreign Language Center’s Summer Institute (Honolulu)
1995 Ties That Bind Community Networking Conference, Apple Computer headquarters (Cupertino, CA)
1996 The Internet Society Annual Conference (Honolulu)
1995 Maui Pacific Conference (Kapalua, Maui)
1995 HINTS Conference Hawai‘i INC (Honolulu)
1994 HINTS Conference Hawai‘i INC (Honolulu)

One comment on “Theses, Publications, and Presentations

Kealohapauʻole Ahuna says:

Mahalo nui no kāu hana nui! He kumu hoʻohālike nō!

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