Month: September 2003

Where Were You?

It seems that “where were you when the twin towers fell?” may be the defining question for this generation, as the Kennedy assassination was for my parents, and the Challenger explosion was for my generation (in my opinion). I was at home, getting ready for work, and as is my habit, checking out Scripting News. We don’t watch TV in the morning, so that was where I first learned about the attack. Looking back at that day’s reporting gives me the same sick-to-my-stomach feeling I had that morning. Our whole family just stayed home, watched, and talked all day.

Upon further observation…

I spent the better part of the past hour going through various RSS feeds. New York Times, Wired, Salon and other non-blog sites. They all use the link element to point to the item listed in the title element. As they are not blogs, they have no blog permalink, and therefore lacked the guid element (my assumption). Mark Pilgrim’s XML feed – his items lacked a link element. He only has guid elements, which contain (TADA!!) the permalink URLs for his weblog. Case closed? BTW, Rob, if you read this, I’m not trying to take shots or anything. For me…

Radio RSS Not Funky!

I got tired of saying “I don’t know enough about RSS.” They say a little knowledge is dangerous, so I’ll take a chance here. I just spent some time going through the RSS 2.0 spec ( as well as my own and other weblog feeds. This is from the RSS 2.0 spec regarding elements, and the examples that are given (element name – description – example): title – The title of the item – Venice Film Festival Tries to Quit Sinking link – The URL of the item – Clearly, the link is supposed to point to the same…

Radio RSS Funky?

Is there something funky about the RSS that Radio generates? I have my own RU feed in my copy of NetNewsWire, and have noticed the behavior that is brought up on Mac Net Journal, but didn’t know what to make of it. Must dig into this…

I always knew the NCAA was a bullshit organization, but this proves it beyond any doubt.

They stripped the University of Hawai’i of the only men’s national championship in the school’s history, the 2002 men’s volleyball championship. They wouldn’t have dared pull this on Ohio State, USC, UCLA, Duke, or Indiana, but they have to look tough on occasion, and tend to pick out schools like ours. This is clearly a case of the punishment not fitting the crime. The player lied to the school, and the NCAA punishes the entire program and all the other players? I sure hope UH appeals (the AD says they will), and sues if they have to.

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