To answer a question on HomoLudens, I’m not sure if Radio will handle Irish/Gaelic languages, let’s try
This line is Irish using 8 bit charaters:
Ní foclóir iomlán é seo, ach tá súil againn go mbeidh sé úsáideach d’oifigigh atá ag iarraidh teacht go tapaidh ar fhocail agus ar abairtí a úsáidtear go rialta ina réimsí féin.
This is the same line using (I think) Unicode. I’ll have to check out the source after this upstreams:
Ní foclóir iomlán é seo, ach tá súil againn go mbeidh sé úsáideach d’oifigigh atá ag iarraidh teacht go tapaidh ar fhocail agus ar abairtí úsáidtear go rialta ina réimsí féin.
Here is Hawaiian as Unicode (I already know this works):
‘O Keola Donaghy ko?u inoa. He haum?na ??lelo Hawai?i au ma ka papahana laeo?o ma ka mo?okalaleo a me ka ??lelo Hawai?i ma ke kulanui o Hawai?i ma Hilo.
Doing the diacritics in both language in Unicode is dependant on your browser’s support for the Unicode. Radio is not Unicode compliant under OS X, so I can’t type or edit any of the diacriticts required for Irish or Hawaiian directly in Radio. Safari is Unicode compliant, and by what means I don’t know, but the rendering of said text to my website on works fine for me. So far.