What would you do with a 16 year old for a year in Cork?

The chances of our family relocating to Cork in September increases every day. I’m awaiting answers to a few important questions, but they should be settled soon. One nagging question is what to do with my 16 year old daughter while we’re there. I’ve been told that we would need to pay for her secondary level education while we are there (as I’ll be there on a student visa and the government doesn’t want to pay for her education), but no one seems to know what it will cost us. Bernie suggests that we leave her out of school for the year and just experience Cork, but if we left her out of school for the year she would need to do her junior year here when we return, and she would not be able to graduate with her classmates, most of whom she has been together with since preschool.

So, does anyone out there with knowledge of Cork have any great ideas? Know of any good schools near UCC, or some other way we can provide a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience for our daughter? Feel free to leave a comment.

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