Hawai‘i Music Awards Voting Begins

Aloha everyone, I’d like to ask all of you who are willing to help support my songwriting partner Kenneth Makuak?ne in the Hawai’i Music Awards. Unlike the Grammy and N? H?k? Hanohano Awards in which voting is restricted to members of the recording industry, the Hawai’i Music Awards are open to everyone with an email address. Go to


and click on the large “Vote” graphic. You will need to enter your email address and the code that appears in order to vote. The categories are listed alphabetically, and “Makuak?ne” is in the “Traditional Hawaiian” category. You can skip categories your are not interested in voting in by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of each categories list.

Like they used to say in Chicago, vote early and vote often! You can vote once for each email address you have, so no shame!!


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