Author: kahu


Mahalo to Bernie Goldbach for opening my eyes to the joy of Of course I had heard about it but only recently seriously looked into it and realized how valuable it can be in organizing my online life. You can view my bookmarks here, or if you have a account, add me to your network. Since I also use NetNewsWire for reading through my 100 or so blog and news feeds, I started thinking about creating an AppleScript to automate posting to from NNW. Someone had already written it. Personally I would like it to be…

Pics and Audio From Volcano Arts & Cultural Festival

I posted a few pictures from Kenneth Makuak?ne’s performance (with a little support from yours truly) at the Volcano Arts & Cultural Festival, held in Ka‘?, Hawai‘i island last Saturday. Sorry if the pics are grainy; they were lifted from the video that my daughter recorded of the performance. Kenneth allowed me to include some of the audio in my most recent podcast, his performance of the R. Alex Anderson hapa-Haole standard “Haole Hula” as well as his N? H?k? Hanohano Song of the Year award-winning composition, “I Miss You, My Hawai‘i.” N? Leo Pilimehana originally recorded the song…

Woman claims she was held for speaking Irish

This is a few days old, but still relevant. A Northern Ireland schoolteacher claims she was arrested for not obeying an order to stop speaking Irish with her friends. It’s been discussed heavily on some Irish blogs. Most doubt that she was arrested simply for her refusal to stop speaking Irish, but who knows. Her attorney has requested that all the papers in the case should be in Irish.

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

Dave Winer is always up to something interesting, and even though I no longer use any UserLand products, I keep a close eye on everything he does. He’s creating a new podcast directory (sans all of the advertising that most of the other podcast directories have), and doing it in such a way that individuals can maintain nodes. I created an OPML file of Hawai‘i-originating and Hawai‘i-themed pocasts. I emailed the link to Dave at about 11:30HST, checked his directory, and it was already added. I’m not sure if the directory engine caches the OPML from my site or calls…

Language Bigotry in Action

“The mayor of a small Bergen County town is calling for a McDonald’s boycott if the fast-food chain does not take down a Spanish-language billboard advertising iced coffee. Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan said the advertisement is “offensive” and “divisive” because it sends a message that Hispanic im migrants do not need to learn English.” [ From via Language Log ] Update: Mayor Lonegan has been awarded Language Log’s Jackass of the Week award. Well deserved!

Great Balls of Fire!

I really need to get my act together and update this site on a more regular basis. It seems I alternate bursts of activity between here and, and Nahenahe has been receiving all of the love recently. I have also spent a lot of time helping my friend and songwriting partner Kenneth Makuak?ne get his website launched in anticipation of his upcoming CD release, which will feature anywhere from 10-15 of our joint compositions, in addition to a few that he has written himself or with others. We’ll be performing together (or more accurately, I’ll be backing him up…

FUD in the Senate debate over the “Akaka Bill”

I watched the Senate debate via C-SPAN2 to for a while. Senator Akaka presented his case clearly and respectfully, but I had to turn it off after a few minutes of listening to Senator Lamar Alexander building a wall of FUD over the issue. Senator, you simply can’t compare immigrants who arrived and the U.S. willfully and the indigenous peoples who had no say in their government being overthrow and land annexed against their will. Alexander harped on the term “sovereignty” so many times and in such a way as to suggest that that the bill would result in complete…

The truth is out…

Last year I pointed to Kenneth Makuak?ne’s weblog and speculated who his anonymous collaborator at UH-Hilo was. Well, Kenneth’s let the cat out of the bag, and I don’t mind – it’s me. It has been an amazing process, and hard to believe we’ve been at it for over a year. Sometimes I write lyrics to his music, sometimes he sets music to my mele, but there is always a lot of give and take. I always run the mele by my colleagues at UHH, a process called paka, to make sure that there isn’t anything in there that could…

From the mouths of babes…

I was testing out a brand new Sony DV video camera at my daughter’s piano recital today, and another parent came up to me and asked if we would be willing to make a copy of the tape for them. I told him that we were planning to copy the video to computer and make DVD copies for everyone if the recording came out OK. There was a young lad, perhaps six or seven years old in the seat directly behind me, and he asked if we had a Mac or PC. When I told him it was a Mac,…

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