Author: kahu

Shalini Sinha on the importance of the Irish Language.

Slugger O’Toole carries a wonderful post by Cathal O Foirreidh, pointing to a piece that advocates the elimination of compulsory Irish, followed by a moving piece by a Canadian immigrant of Indian (not Native American or First Nation’s Canadian) ancestry, on the importance of the language. I love this quote: Thus, one of the first things I did when I moved to Ireland was begin the journey of learning Irish – not because I thought it would be easy or was “fascinated”, but because I felt that this was the only way I would really understand the country that was…

Frapper is an interesting concept for building online communities.

Mahalo to Conn at An tImeall for inviting me to his Gaeilge Frappr site. I’m the little pin out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If you’re a speaker or student of Gaeilge, I encourage you to sign up. Alternatively, if you are a Hawaiian music fan you can join my NahenaheNet Hawaiian music Frappr group. I still download and list to the An tImeall podcast regularly, but sadly my language studies have faltered due to an increasing work load and considering my Ph.d. prospects.

Firefox Rules!

I just did something that I never thought I would – I removed Safari from my OS X Dock and have moved completely to Firefox for everything I do. And I couldn’t be happier with it.

It’s been too long.

Over a month, that is, since my last post here. Bad Keola. I’ve been busy with work and relocation from Manila to a new WordPress server. I’ve also been working with some friends on a new community podcasting project that has me excited.

eBay has a sense of humor.

I was checking out this story about the Minnesota Vikings reputed “orgy cruise” on, and checkled a bit at the eBay ad at the bottom. The first two were Vikings memorabilia, s complete set of 1976 Viking trading cards and a freezer mug, followed by a couple of yachting cap and a boating sports watch. Strange that no sexual paraphernalia showed up.

They have Irish, but not enough?

Here’s an interesting case of a Northern Ireland family being denied housing in the Connemara gaelteacht, not because they can’t speak Irish, but apparently because they don’t speak it well enough. Slugger O’Toole carries some interesting discussion on the topic.

Call for more imaginative Irish language approach.

The principal of Rice College, Westport, Mr Frank McCarrick, says that a progressive and imaginative approach to the presentation and teaching of the Irish language in secondary schools by the Department of Education could help address the decline in the subject. Without it, he believes the number of students studying it would continue to fall.

Messing with telemarketers.

Our home is on the Do Not Call list, but that doesn’t seem to stop people with funny accents from calling our home during dinner trying to get us to refinance our home. Caller: Mr. Donaghy, can I ask what your current mortgage rate is? Me: I’d rather not tell you, and I’m not interested in refinancing. Caller: But, Mr. Donaghy, did you know… Me (yelling to my daughter): Malia!, didn’t I tell you not to let the dog play with matches and gasoline! He set himself on fire again! (returning to call). Sorry buddy, I have to go and…

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