Author: kahu

Cheerio! (Pt. 1)

Wow, what a trip so far. I went online about 7PM on Monday to check the status of my 11PM United Airlines Maui-to-San Francisco flight, and found that it was going to be delayed four hours. The kind United customer service agent I talked to on the phone sensed that there might be further delays, which would cause me to miss my connecting flight to London. He got me one of the last seats on a Maui-to-LA flight, which left a half hour sooner, and got me on a connecting flight to S.F from there. Both of those went smoothly,…

Scoble wonders what kind of contests Microsoft will do around Windows Vista.

Hmmm, how about guessing how many known-but-unfixed security vulnerabilities there will be when it ships? Kind of like guessing how many jelly beans there are in a 100 gallon aquarium. Sorry, Robert. My inner Macintosh bigot-demon got the best of me this morning But I promise I will never utter another Microsoft joke if it ships with support for Hawaiian, including a keyboard, sort order, date formatting and the other goodies that ship with OS X.

Podcasters Shutdown on .Mac.

I was about to unsubscribe from Geek News Central‘s RSS feed when I came across this interesting tidbit. I know a few people who were taking advantage of the previously unmetered bandwidth on their .Mac sites for hosting podcasts. One was hosting his latest shows on his .Mac site for the big rush, and then moving them over to his ISP when the initial new show rush was over. I haven’t asked if his strategy has changed. I know the owner of the ISP I use personally, and haven’t heard a peep from him about bandwidth issues, so I probably…

Who’s your great-great-great-great granddaddy?

[ From the NY Times, subscription required ] I found a copy of this article sitting in the waiting area of my daughter’s piano teacher. It talks about the works of Carl Czerny, a student and later assistant to Beethoven. What was interesting was to see the musical family tree drawn along the side of the article. Apparently Mālia’s piano teacher comes from the same line as the author of this article. Here is the lineage: Ludwig Van Beethoven \/ Carl Czerny \/ Theodor Leschetizky \/ Arthur Schnabell \/ \/ Leonard Shure Sundling \/ \/ Glenn Jacobson \/ Malia Donaghy…

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