Author: kahu

WWDC: Freedom of architecture

Like many Macintosh afficionados, I’ve been following the developments at Apple’s World-Wide Developer Conference as reported in the blogosphere. It’s funny that the most talked about development is Apple’s impending move away from Motorola’s PowerPC chips to Intel’s x86 chips. The possibility has been discussed for years, and for that reason many did not believe the rumors until they were actually confirmed by Steve Jobs. He finally acknowledged what had also been rumored for years – that Apple had been secretly running OS X on an x86 chipset since Mac OS X 10.0 shipped. My favorite quote is from my…

Dingle No More.

Under new rules to promote the Irish language, Dingle must now be known by the Gaelic name An Daingean, and local businesses seem to be less than thrilled by the development.

Gas prices drop? Not in Hilo.

Somewhere in America gas prices are dropping, down about 6 cents a gallon nationwide. Not in Hilo, however. This is fairly standard. Prices go up in Hawai’i when they do elsewhere, but when prices elsewhere go down, ours simply level off, and refineries and retailers give lame excuses why they can’t lower prices. Our gas is still around $2.51 a gallon.

Commercial sequencing?

I don’t know if they are intentional or not, but our family’s noticed some bizarre commercial sequences happening recently. For example, a Wendy’s commercial, featuring their new triple patty (“48 square inches of beef”) cheesburger, was followed by one of those diet pill commercials that claims your eating habits are not to blame if you are overweight – it’s that darn cortisol hormone. Later, a “pick up the phone and talk to us sexy babes” commercial was followed by one for an erectile disfunction aid. I guess if the first commercial didn’t kick your member into action, you do need…

Another year, another renewal.

I went through my annual ritual of debating whether or not to renew my Radio Userland license, and in the end opted to do so. I can’t remember the last time there was a major update or new feature that I had to have, but it’s still the coolest, geekiest blogging tool out there. It’s worth it just for the website hosting, comment and trackback features they provide – just a little over $3 a month. I just looked at the calendar and see how long it’s been since I’ve posted. Been really busy, end of the semester cleanup, and…

Happy Birthday, Dave!

I’d like to offer my best wishes for a Hau’oli L? Piha Makahiki Kanalima (Happy 50th Birthday) to Dave Winer. We’ve never met face-to-face but I can’t think of anyone who has been more influential in the work that I do from the technology standpoint. I’ve been using Frontier and its related tools for nearly 10 years now, and use them almost exclusively for all my websites, weblogs and related projects. One of these years I will make it to one of those geek/blogger dinners.

Sex and the Irish.

Mahalo to Scott for this pointer. The conclusion: “We like sex and plenty of it, with lots of different partners, oh, and a few toys to give it that extra edge. And we’re not averse to a bit on the side either, if the opportunity is there.” Egads, what would the new pope think?

That’s What Friends Are For…

Honolulu Police stopped a man who was allegedly driving a stolen vehicle in Haleiwa at about 9 a.m this morning. As officers were arresting him, his friend, sitting in the passenger seat, climbed behind the steering wheel and drove off. Another car thief was caught sleeping behind the wheel of the stolen vehicle with its headlight on early this morning. Transplanted Floridiots perhaps, Scott?

Land rush to the Puna frontier.

We live in Puna, albeit in the ma uka (upland), and in my opinion, much nicer part of Puna. Hawaiian Paradise Park has always had a wild-west feel too it. Buy a lot and build a house in the wrong area and you’re likely to find it burned to the ground some day by your pakalolo (marijuana) growing neighbors. When we are shopping for property around 7 years ago we look at HPP and said “Thanks, but no thank you very much.” Lots could be had in the $5,000-10,000 range even then. Nice for current land and home owners in…

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