Author: kahu

The Sprawl of Y’all.

An interesting article from the Times-Argus site discusses the increasing use of “y’all” beyond the south. Is the South rising again, is it the use of “y’all” in hip-hop, or is the term filling a linguistic hole that isn’t easily filled by standard English? Read on. I’ve caught myself using it a few times, mostly with humerous intent. Scott uses it all of the time, most interestingly after “aloha”.

High Tech Hawai’i TV Appearance Next Tuesday.

I’ll be appearing on David Lassner’s “High Tech Hawai’i” TV program next Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2005 at 8PM, along with my colleague Robert Stauffer from Alu Like, Inc. The show will highlight Ulukau, the electronic library for the Hawaiian language. Ulukau currently features an extensive collection of Hawaiian language source materials including searchable and downloadable Hawaiian language books, newspapers from the 1800 and 1900s, historic and contemporary Hawaiian dictionaries, the Hawaiian Bible, and a database of place names. And that’s just the beginning. It will be broadcast through Hawai’i on the UH channel available through most cable providers, and also…

UH takes heat over visit by Ward Churchill.

There has been some backlash over Churchill’s impending visit, including an attack by a prominent Republican state legislator. Some of those on our campus who have voiced objections to his visit have stated concern over use of taxpayer dollars for the visit, others have focused on the accusations that he falsified his ethnicity in order to gain his current position.

Ward Churchill To Speak at UH-Manoa.

There has been a s**t-storm of controversy swirling around Ward Churchill since his (insert your own adjective) statements comparing 9/11 victims to an infamous Nazi war criminal. Those statements prompted the governor of Colorado to call for his dismissal, and the University of Colorado Board of Regents to investigate the possibility of doing so. His situation has generated a lot of heated discussion on our campus listserve over the past few weeks. Churchill will hold a public lecture, “Speaking Truth to Power: Academic Freedom in the Age of Terror,” at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at the UH…

Dave asks how many weblogs there were in 1997, and lists a few.

I had NahenaheNet running well before then, but converted it to a blog-like format mimicing Dave’s “Scripting News” in late-October of 1997. Here are the archive pages from 1997 and 1998. It was Frontier managed, and it remained this way until Userland shipped “Manila”. I got one of the first sites on Dec. 4, 1999, and still use it for Nahenahe. I many not be a pioneer, but I know one when I see one.

USB Pen Drives Eat Files.

My favorite Mac bigot, er, evangelist, Scott Waters goes on one of his patented rants about those USB pen drives, memory sticks or whatever you want to call them, and how Mac users can minimize possible problems. Our campus’ academic computing specialist recently advised our faculty and staff on their use as well. I don’t use one myself, opting to use my iDisk or my own OS X server, but I have witnessed the death of our camera’s flash card, along with the pics that it contained.

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