Author: kahu

Trackback Spam?

I was a good boy and kept my mouth (and keyboard) shut about not being the target of comment spam. I guess my humble, low-traffic blog wasn’t worth the effort. But now I’m getting spam in my trackbacks, mostly for online gambling. Thanks to Userland for the ability to quickly delete them. If it gets to be a pain in the butt I’ll simply disable trackback.

O’ahu median home price tops $500,000!

This figure is up over $100,000 from last year. How in the heck are our children supposed to be able to afford to live here anymore? Here’s a question for the financial gurus out there: How may people working at McJob salaries does it take to afford a half-million dollar mortgage? The Board of Realtor’s president called it a “robust start.” I could call it something else.

A Waste Of Cyberspace?

[ From the Ottawa Citizen via Scripting News ] “”Without visiting all 37 million sites coughed up by Internet search engines, it is safe to assume that most blogs are not worth the cyberspace they occupy.” Who cares? Does the presence of this or any other blog prevent a more worthy entry from occupying its cyberspace? Why not rant on the billions of junk mail solicitations (the paper variety) that are sent out each year and end up in our rubbish dumps? I blog here because it helps my thought processes and (hopefully) my writing. If someone finds it interesting…

Beyond The Commons.

I came across this website while wandering the web in search of something to stimulate my brain and assist in identifying potential Ph.d. research topics. Its editor, Dr. Anthony McCann, and I seem to share some common interests, and he is also a lecturer in ethnomusicology at the University of Sheffield, where I will be presenting my MA research this summer. I downloaded and printed out his Ph.d. dissertation, and hope to start reading it this weekend. It discusses the evolution of the Irish Music Rights Organization (IMRO) and the incredible shift in its public perception in regards to Irish…

Super Ferry Ahoy!

The first Hawai’i Superferry is scheduled to begin in early-2006. I can’t wait, though I’m sure Aloha and Hawaiian Airlines aren’t thrilled at the prospect of the competition. Perhaps it will revive their merger talks, which fell apart a few years ago.

For Eagle’s fans only: A variation on a joke my daughter told me.

Tom Brady dies after a long and successful career. He gets a personal tour of heaven from God, and is taken to his home – a humble, single bedroom home painted in Patriot colors. Tom looks across the street and sees a huge mansion, five stories tall with probably 20 bedrooms, and a couple of Rolls Royces in the garage. It’s painted green and white, with a huge flag bearing the Philadelphia Eagle’s logo fluttering in the wind. Brady turns to God and says, “Not that I’m complaining, but why do I have this dinky little home and Donovan McNabb…

Happy Birthday Macintosh!

I didn’t discover the joys of Macintosh until it was about 2 or 3 years old, and met Scott about the same time. He was, and still is, quite the Mac evangelist. I still have my first Mac Plus functioning as a bookend in my home office.

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