Author: kahu

There are two things that would make me put out $40 in a flash

One would be a Radio tool that could take Manila root file and convert it so that it could be upstreamed. My NahenaheNet site has been on since the day ETP opened. The server has gotten a bit sluggish, and while I’m not complaining as it is provided free, I’d be happy to move my site off of it if I could convert it to a Radio site. I realize it’s not trivial, and I’m not that versed in Usertalk or the data structures of the two systems to pull it off. The site has close to 1600 posts…

To renew Radio or not to renew, that is the question.

It’s been nearly two months since I’ve made a post here, and while I do use Radio for some static site maintenance, I’m having a tough time deciding whether or not to renew it. My local home page, which I haven’t looked at in weeks, tells me I have 5 days left to decide. One issue I have is that I can’t remember the last time there was any major (or even minor) update or new feature. I’ve been using the same beta for at least a year. I’ve been using Frontier since the initial release of Aretha years ago,…

Satellite Cat Fight!

Echostar (Dish Network) and Viacom (CBS network, MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, BET, among others) have sharpened their claws and going at each others’s throats. I first became aware of this last week when watching Comedy Central. The channel started to superimpose a text message addressed to “Dish Network Customers” over the programming, but it was quickly blacked out, assumably by Dish Network staff. This happened a few times during the show. Today we got home and found all of the channels out of service, with a message from Dish Network to direct our frustrations at Viacom. With all of the…

Hopefully this will draw the attention of some WinMedia experts.

I’m in charge of an archive of about 1000 hours of interviews with native Hawaiian speakers that we are currently digitizing. It is one of the largest and most valuable audio archive available for any indigenous language. We do have security concerns regarding this. We realize that making the audio completely copy-proof is impossible, and we’re not sure to what lengths we want to go to protect them. We may decide that minimal security is necessary if any at all. We might want to only stream, but then again we might want to allow downloads. As yet to be determined.…

Disney Channel implanting the corporate line in your children (again).

A few years ago there was a minor uproar when the Disney Channel’s ‘The Proud Family’ aired an episode that talked about online song swapping, and while they claimed that the show discussed the issue in a balanced fashion, it really pushed the corporate line on the issue. I was only partially tuned in as my daughter was watching the movie “Pixel Perfect.” In one scene, the two main characters meet a rap star, and during the discussion they talk about his breakout release, and he mentions how he didn’t make anything off of it, but says with no regret…

More interesting Irish language discussion on Slugger.

Is the intent of the EU’s policies on language simply to facilitate communication between members, or to foster cultural identity? Of all of the new countries joining the EU, are there any that are largely monolingual in their own language? If the majority can also speak English, German, French, Spanish or whatever, what is the justification of designating their languages as officially recognized EU languages? We go through a bit of this in Hawai’i as well. Hawaiian is an official language of the state, however, while election ballots can be found in many other languages, they are not available in…

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