Author: kahu

I finally fixed the problem of upstreaming to my Hawaiian web server (mahalo Lawrence!).

I finally fixed the problem of upstreaming to my Hawaiian web server (mahalo Lawrence!). I’ll be blogging from Ireland in Hawaiian in a little over two weeks. That’ll have to be a first for the web. I’m in the Masters in Hawaiian Language and Literature program at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo, and as part of the program we’re required to travel to a place that is facing language and culture perpetuation challenges, as we are for Hawaiian. I’m required to keep a journal, so am going to try (Murphy and Irish Internet connectivity allowing), to do it as…

I want an iPod.

I want an iPod. Badly. But I won’t get one until Apple puts an audio input in it, or somebody comes up with something small that can plug into it so that you can record direct to the hard drive. Why the hell is Apple being so tight with the APIs?

Thank goodness the Lakers won tonight.

Thank goodness the Lakers won tonight. Yes, I am a Lakers fan, but in addition, I could think of nothing more boring that a New Jersey/Sacramento matchup for the NBA title. It would probably get the lowest ratings of any NBA Finals matchup in history. Not that the Lakers are out of the woods, by any stretch of the imagination. But at least the prospect of a Nets/Queens matchup is put off for a few more days. Kidd and Webber are great players, but I would find it difficult to get two excited at the prospect of either of those…

[ Via Scripting News ] Blockbuster Takes On NetFlix .

[ Via Scripting News ] Blockbuster Takes On NetFlix. Keola’s Take On NetFlix… I gave up on them after only two months (one free and one paid). It wasn’t their fault, but it just took too darn long for some DVDs to get here. Some got here in three days, others took close to two weeks (we’re in Hawai’i). Two weeks after I cancelled our account, I got an email from NetFlix that they had not received the two DVDs that I had mailed prior to cancelling, and that I would have to pay for them ($19.95) if they didn’t…

In other music-related news, my favorite Canadian band,

In other music-related news, my favorite Canadian band, Great Big Sea, recently released a new CD, Sea of No Cares. I’m enjoying it thoroughly, though it didn’t blow my socks of on the first listen as much as their live ‘Road Rage’ release did. It’s definitely a progression for them from their other studio efforts. Highly recommended.

A funny thing happened on the way to my boycott of the music industry…

A funny thing happened on the way to my boycott of the music industry… I rediscovered Elvis Costello. Well maybe ‘rediscovered’ is an odd choice of words… When we were in high school, my younger brother played Elvis incessantly. I didn’t think much of him as a singer, musician, or songwriter. Maybe I disliked him just because my brother liked him so much. Also, I was more into Hawaiian and contemporary acts from Hawai’i like Cecilio & Kapono, Olomana and Kalapana at the time. A few weeks ago I caught Elvis on Bravo’s “Musician” series, and really enjoyed listening to…

DaveNet: Monoculture, an Artifact of the 20th Century? Pretty interesting stuff, and it got me really thinking about my relationship with the recording industry.

DaveNet: Monoculture, an Artifact of the 20th Century? Pretty interesting stuff, and it got me really thinking about my relationship with the recording industry. Formerly loyal record/tape/CD buyers like me are getting fed up with the recording industry’s shenanigans, and looking for alternatives. I’ve discovered a number of Celtic acts over the past year or so, though some of them are pretty well known within the genre. But one of the most enjoyable was a CD by an artist I found playing in a little Irish pub in Waikiki, of all places. He recorded it at a friend’s house, and…

Heads up, Bay Area.

Heads up, Bay Area. Keali’i Reichel will bring the Kukahi experience to Cupertino on Saturday, May 18. For those of you unfamiliar with the name, Keali’i has been the most popular Hawaiian music artist for the past decade. His Kukahi shows are multimedia extravaganzas, with music, hula, large screen projectors and guest artists. If you still equate Hawaiian music with Don Ho, you’re more than a few years behind the times. Check out Keali’i – you’ll be happy you did.

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