Baby Steps Toward Eire

I’ve been making slow progress on refining my topic for Ph.d. research and perhaps narrowing down my choices regarding a location for studies. I just completed a Fulbright scholarship application last week that would go a long way toward paying for my Ph.d. in Ireland. I have been considering the ethnomusicology programs at both University College Cork and Queens University Belfast, but had to chose to specify only one since you are only allowed to chose one country. Care to guess which one I chose?

I’ve been told that the applications are whittled down and sent to the host country for final selection, and that this should happen in January or February. Final selections are not made until later in the spring.

My most likely research topic will be the change in transmission modality of slack key guitar which has occurred over the past 40 years or so. I’ve had some encouraging discussions with some of the slack key artists who were and continue the be the most influential in this area, and they are very excited about the topic. I am too.

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