Author: kahu

My bookmarks for April 11th through April 21st

These are my links for April 11th through April 21st: Motorists in Samoa will drive on left from next year – Samoa's controversial Road Transport Bill has gone through Parliament, so drivers will switch to driving on the left. I can't imagine what kind of carnage would occur in the US if it ever decided to switch from the right to the wrong side of the road Cool Tool: Zamzar – Zamzar offers a robust, quick, and excellent conversion service: you upload the file you'd like it to convert, select the output format and your email, and you're off.

Writing About Writing

I’ve always enjoyed writing, but have always been a “stream-of-consciousness” kind of writer. I’ll sit down with an open word processor document, type, and just go with the flow and see were it takes me. A quick spell-check follows and away it goes. When I wrote my MA thesis (in Hawaiian), I sat down and wrote out each chapter in long marathon sessions. Of course there was a lot of editing, tweaking and additions along the way, but the gist of the chapters and overall structure of the final product was very much like the first drafts. My supervisors were…

Hau‘oli L? H?nau e M?lia!

It’s our daughter M?lia’s 17th birthday today. My wife went shopping for a birthday card earlier this week and found this. The girl in the photo is the splitting image of M?lia when she was three or four. It made me think back and try to remember if we have any picture of her in that pose – that’s how spooky the resemblance is.

My bookmarks for April 5th through April 8th

These are my links for April 5th through April 8th: Kona Brewing makes list of largest U.S. craft brewers [ ] – Hawai'i-based Kona Brewing Co. ranks as the 24th-largest craft brewing company in the United States by sales volume. Craft brewers are defined as small, independent brewers. Their Fire Rock Pale Ale is my fav. I miss it down here. Aboriginal music gets an angelic new voice – Music – Entertainment – – Interviewing Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu is very, very different. He speaks little English. He lives on Elcho Island, off the coast of Arnhem Land. He…

Hack To Hacks

I’ve changed the name of the blog from Culture Hack (singular) to Culture Hacks, in anticipation of the arrival of my long-time friend and Celtic cousin Scott Waters. Scott use to run a blog called MacHelpMaui, and did a podcast of the same name with his partner Carmen Gardner. Scott recently ditched his blogs and headed off to Cornwall to spend time with relatives and get back into his art. Scott and I had talked about going into business together on Maui at one point back in the 1980s, but it didn’t pan out. As it is I’ve relocated southwest…

On The Downhill Slide…

While we don’t have an exact departure date yet and my math skills are dubious, I am fairly certain we have just passed the half-way point in our stay in Aotearoa and in less than 12 weeks we’ll be jetting back home to Hawai‘i. While I experience doubts during the course of each and every day regarding my process, when I look at the body of research I’ve done – books and articles read, reviewed and re-read, not to mention massive amounts of writing – there is no doubt that I’ve made a great start toward my Ph.d. Much credit…

Not An April Fools Joke

Tonight’s forecast calls for a low of 40 degrees F, but with 50MPH winds coming it will feel like 22. So much for my trip to the library tonight (or the run for Hokey Pokey ice cream). Our friends in Ireland and my sister in Minnesota may laugh at this, but it will probably be the coldest night my wife and daughter have ever experienced. Fortunately the rest of the week is a little better, but we’re sure that more of this (and worse) is yet to come. Off make some hot chocolate.

My bookmarks for March 29th

These are my links for March 29th: Journal – datamusicata – Tips, hints, clues and info for the artist in us all SL iReports: Your news of a virtual world – Blogs from – Interesting report on a musician showcasing his music in the virtual world "Second Life" See It To Believe It… « DZ-015 – The Half-Arsed Blog Of RTE 2FM’s Rick O’Shea – I wonder if Stevie Wonder has seen this.

Circus Money Coming Soon

My daughter turns 17 next month. That means that it’s been nearly that long since Walter Becker put out a solo release. How are the two events related? Well, he had to watch her once for me when she was just a few months old while I did some work in his home studio on Maui. At the time he was working on that first release, 11 Tracks of Whack (yes, it was released in 1994 but these guys take a LONG time to record, as you may have heard). I could shoot myself for not having gotten a picture…

My bookmarks for March 4th through March 28th

These are my links for March 4th through March 28th: Brazilians Denounce Irish Discrimination – Prensa Latina – Three Brazilian university students denounced being mistreated by immigration authorities in Ireland, saying that instead of enjoying a week-long holiday, they were imprisoned for 40 hours in the European country. Wide Awake Developers: Steve Jobs Made Me Miss My Flight – Beware of technophobe TSA agents if you own a MacBook Air. O2 Ireland defends controversial iPhone plans – O2 Ireland: "I'd say your Apple freaks will be queuing out the door when we launch," she notes. Irish taken as fools as…

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