Author: kahu

Funding announced for University Education through Irish

The President of NUI Galway welcomed the announcement on Monday (3 November), of funding of EUR 1 million over three years, to support the special Academy being established by the University for teaching through Irish. Congratulations. Our College of Hawaiian Language teaches all upper division and graduate classes through Hawaiian.

Don’t know if this is true or where it came from, but Hawaiians can relate.

When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project, it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation in Arizona for training. One day, a Navajo grand elder and his son came across the space crew walking among the rocks. The elder, who spoke only Navajo, asked a question. His son translated for the NASA people: “What are these guys in the big suits doing?” One of the astronauts said that they were practicing for a trip to the moon. When his son relayed this comment the Navajo elder got all excited and asked if it would be possible to give to…

Here’s some non-Userland documentation of Dave’s authorship of weblogging tools in 1997.

I only steal from the best. When I noticed the format Dave started using on Scripting News, I quickly mimiced it for my Hawaiian music website, NahenaheNet. The format is now commonly called – a blog! The earliest entry on this page is 10/21/97, but I know I was doing it earlier as well, but definitely after Dave started it. The link above is an old archive page still on the server from the days that I used Frontier’s website framework to maintain the news. Now I use Manila, and FTP the page over to my static server. So people…

We won, I hope.

Yesterday our faculty, staff, students, friends, family and supporters turned out to rally support for our underfunded, understaffed College of Hawaiian Language from the university system’s Board of Regents, and have them hold the university president to his promise of “full funding of historic Hawaiian studies requests.” Our demands – new permanent faculty and staff positions, a new building, and full funding of programs that have been run on grants for years, and now need stability. We got the commitment we sought, now all we need to is see if it actually materializes. Other coverage in the Hawai’i Tribune Herald…

Men like gadgets, women like make-up.

“”In cyberspace, no one may know you’re a dog, but it’s depressingly easy to tell if you are a man or a woman, depending on the internet sites you visit,” says Karlin Lillington. “What do men buy? Consumer electronics, sporting goods, computer gear, including hardware, software and peripherals, cars and accessories, and – but of course – video games.” For me, delete sporting goods and video games, and add music and music-related gear.

eMusic Download Privileges Curtailed.

Karlin reports that eMusic has gone from allowing unlimited downloads to only 40 per month for their $9.99 monthly fee. While it still sounds like a good deal compared to iTMS’ $0.99 per song, I don’t know if I’m ready to bite. I’ve also heard that there are a lot of tunes up there that cannot be download outside of Europe, but don’t know that for sure.

Irish Studies Online!

I was stoked to find this site online, and plan to investigate it further. With my the receipt of my MA in Hawaiian Language and Literature just around the corner, I’m looking for a new mountain to climb. This looks like small mountain, but maybe just a warmup. I’m really want to get back to Ireland for an extended stay, maybe up to a year, to continue study of the language, and also study the efforts being made to assure the perpetuation of Irish Gaelic. All signs point toward National University of Ireland at Galway, and coincidentally it is through…

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