Author: kahu

Like Dave and probably the rest of the connected world, I’ve been getting murdered by the latest worms and viruses.

Like Dave and probably the rest of the connected world, I’ve been getting murdered by the latest worms and viruses. I’m a Mac user, but still getting my inbox bombarded, not only with spam but tons of reject messages which have me as the sender. Shit. You know who I’d vote for in a minute? A political candidate who supported the death penalty for virus writers. I’d accept castration at a bare minimum. I do have one fix for the Unix account on my ISPs server. They already installed SpamAssassin. While this was OK, it didn’t delete spam, just modified…

Heads up Burger King patrons! The Chicken Caesar Club is quite possibly the worst sandwich I’ve ever eaten.

Heads up Burger King patrons! The Chicken Caesar Club is quite possibly the worst sandwich I’ve ever eaten. The real sandwich I got in no way resembled the sumptuous looking sandwich on their poster – little green on the lettuce, limp sour dough and a chicken patty so small that I had to lift up the bread to find it – it was invisible from all outside angles. Oh yeah, the chicken patty may as well have been a tofu patty for all the taste it had. I was trying to find something healthier than my normal Whopper, but this…

Lawrence Lessig: Is It Impossible To Imagine Lawyers On The Side Of Innovation?

Not impossible to imagine, Lawrence, just very difficult. To most recording artists I know, the lawyer is the person who hides the truth in the legalese contained in the contract. The truth that you can sell a million records, and still owe the label money. I had some friends asked to sign a recording contract, they went and hired their own lawyer to look it over, who told them “it looks good to me.” A relative of the band, not a lawyer but with some experience in contractual law, looked at it and tore it up on sight. It signed…

OK, so it didn’t work exactly like I thought

I’m going to have to look into this. The Hawaiian, which previously worked ok does not now. The Irish works either way, but the characters are not Unicode. Doesn’t really matter as the fada (diacritic over some of the vowels) is found in standard font sets. I’ll get back to this tonight.

Irish/Gaelic in Radio?

To answer a question on HomoLudens, I’m not sure if Radio will handle Irish/Gaelic languages, let’s try This line is Irish using 8 bit charaters: Ní foclóir iomlán é seo, ach tá súil againn go mbeidh sé úsáideach d’oifigigh atá ag iarraidh teacht go tapaidh ar fhocail agus ar abairtí a úsáidtear go rialta ina réimsí féin. This is the same line using (I think) Unicode. I’ll have to check out the source after this upstreams: Ní foclóir iomlán é seo, ach tá súil againn go mbeidh sé úsáideach d’oifigigh atá ag iarraidh teacht go tapaidh ar fhocail agus ar…

It’s no secret, Dave!

The ability to edit my Manila site was one of my primary motivations for buying Radio in the first place. The second, back in the pre-iTunes days, was to drive my MP3s and record my listening habits. The only thing it is missing, and I went around with Brent on this way back, is the inability to post news items to a Manila site from Radio. I understood his point – some things may be more conducive to a web interface – but why bother if you could avoid it? You can post new stories and new discussion group messages,…

The Unfunniest Joke

I kept waiting for the punchline, but none came. I guess I should give him credit for surviving in a sea of clearly superior comics, but when your secret to success is to wrap your mother’s Vietnamese accent around some pretty weak material it’s hard to give Dat Phan much credit. Well, I’ll give him this much – his jokes and timing did get stronger as the show went on (the kung fu urinal routine wasn’t bad but hardly original), but he clearly was wasn’t in the same league as some of his competitors. Ralphie May, that was one funny…

Radio and Safari – A Winning Combination

I’ve always been throughly disgusted with Internet Explorers sluggish response when used in conjunction with Radio Userland. I’m much happier with the combination of Safari and Radio. Window redraws are much quicker, sometimes instantaneous. This may not be news to anybody but me, but its been a long time since I’ve used Radio this much.

Meet The Duckleone Family

I have a tip for anyone trying to give up TV cold turkey – buy some ducks. Not that I’m giving up TV, but I can sit for hours and watch these characters. My wife started calling one of them “Sunny” because of a bit of orange on his/her bill. I changed that a bit and named the rest of them after characters from “The Godfather.” Meet Vito, Michael, Santino (“Sonny/Sunny”), Don Barzini, Luca Brasi, and Connie. We’re still not sure about all of their sexes, so we may have some name changes in the future. Fortunately there are plenty…

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