Author: kahu

I got Trackback working on my Manila site , though I doubt it will generate a lot of links; not too many other people out there in weblog-land i

I got Trackback working on my Manila site, though I doubt it will generate a lot of links; not too many other people out there in weblog-land into Hawaiian music. It could get interesting when Trackback comes to RadioUserland. I love testing new features when Userland ships them, and hopefully will be able to get more consistent about doing it here. One thing I’d like to figure out – if I can create a category in RU, and whever a post is made to that category, that it automatically creates a new news item on my Manila site. I’ve had…

Thanks for the link and comment , Dave.

Thanks for the link and comment, Dave. Maybe you can help clarify how much of this end users like me needs to understand. I sense the disconnect, too, but I’m not a developer. Maybe I qualify for power-user status, and have hacked away on Frontier and RU enough to make it work with Hawaiian language, my major concern. I’m busy teaching, designing web courses, finishing my MA and trying to get some guitar chops back. While I don’t mind getting my hands dirty with the tech stuff, how deeply does Joe-Average-User like me need to get involved with this issue,…

I’ve been trying to find some ducklings for our daughter to raise, with absolutely no luck.

I’ve been trying to find some ducklings for our daughter to raise, with absolutely no luck. Our state’s Department of Agriculture in its infinite wisdom has set up barriers that make it next to impossible for anyone to bring any kind of live poultry into the state. I’m concerned about our native birds as well, but I’ve been told that their measures go way beyond what is necessary to protect the state. It’s been an enlightening experience. I found an absolutely wonderful site while doing some duck research called The New Agrarian. The site design is excellent, graphics crisp and…

Well, I survived the last of my MA classes, and now get to have some fun and begin the research for my thesis.

Well, I survived the last of my MA classes, and now get to have some fun and begin the research for my thesis. My working thesis title: Comparing The Placement of Diphthongs, Vowel Clusters and Stressed Syllables in the Compostions of John Kameaaloha Almeida With Pronunciation Stress In Spoken Hawaiian. If you think that is long you should see it in Hawaiian John Kameealoha Almeida was one of, if not the most important Hawaiian composer, musician and vocalist of the 20th century. He was a native speaker of Hawaiian, and many of his compositions have become standards repetoire for todays…

Dave , Ernie the Attorney and Bernie Goldb

Dave, Ernie the Attorney and Bernie Goldbach discuss the merits of various cellphone/pda devices. I’ve successfully fought my wife’s attempts to have me buy a portable phone for a few years now. Some of these devices are tempting. These are the things that I would require, and none of the devices listed have them all: Cell Phone with headset/mic jack QWERTY keyboard MP3 Player (holds at least 50 songs) Palm OS driven Mac-compatible synchronization applications Email, web and instant messaging The following would be nice, but their absence would not be deal-killers: GSP capabilities Color display Back in the mid-80s…

It had to happen eventually, just had to put my head down and do it: Po’e ‘Olelo Hawai’i literally means “Hawaiian language speakers”; an appropriate domain name as I’ve ever seen.

It had to happen eventually, just had to put my head down and do it: Po’e ‘Olelo Hawai’i literally means “Hawaiian language speakers”; an appropriate domain name as I’ve ever seen. I’m about 90% of the way through localizing Manila into Hawaiian. A lot of little things to fix (like the CSS in all of the themes), but I’m not going to stop until it’s done. We’re going to use this for our Hawaiian medium schools, teachers and students statewide. That page pointed to above is one filtered before it is rendered to a static server, to take advantage…

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