Author: kahu

Who Do You Want To Fool Today?

Police on O‘ahu arrested a 51-year-old man with a stolen credit card who tried to pass himself off as a 20-year-old woman. The cashier noticed the card was in a woman’s name and the suspect also flashed the woman’s stolen license.

Where Are The Irish Artists On The Grammy Ballot?

I’m a voting member of The Recording Academy, which is responsible for the Grammy Awards. It amazes me how few Irish artists get entered. There are a few this year, including Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, whom I had only known as a member of Danu. I checked out her website and her CD sounds awesome. I ordered a copy and got a nice email from her. Susan McKeown, Lunasa, and Solas are on the Traditional Folk ballot, and Enya on the Album of the Year, which has hundreds of entries. Any Irish artists I’m missing? I’ll hold onto my ballot for…

Net Visionary Awards

Conn and Bernie have both been nominated in the Net Visionary Awards run by the Irish Internet Association. Like they used to say in Chicago, “Vote early and vote often.” Just kidding, one vote per voter.

Baby Steps Toward Eire

I’ve been making slow progress on refining my topic for Ph.d. research and perhaps narrowing down my choices regarding a location for studies. I just completed a Fulbright scholarship application last week that would go a long way toward paying for my Ph.d. in Ireland. I have been considering the ethnomusicology programs at both University College Cork and Queens University Belfast, but had to chose to specify only one since you are only allowed to chose one country. Care to guess which one I chose? I’ve been told that the applications are whittled down and sent to the host country…

All Shook Up: Earthquake Strikes Hawai‘i

Hawai‘i experienced its largest earthquake in 23 years today, it was centered a few miles off-shore along the Kona coast of our island. No tsunami was generated, and thankfully this was determined quickly. According to news reports it would take an earthquake of over 7 to generate one; this was was reported as something between 6.3 and 6.5. There has been some infrastructure damage, some roads on our island or closed or cut down to single lane traffic. No fatalities have been reported, though there were some unverified injury reports. The North Kohala Hospital has been evacuated. Electricity was out…

Hawai‘i Primary Election Coverage

My wife and I watched the coverage of Hawai‘i’s primary election last night, and it did not start well. We began by watching KHON (the FOX affilate) with Joe Moore. I used to like Joe a lot, however, in recent years it reminded me of watching the old Monday Night Football broadcasts with Howard Cosell. ABC wasn’t as much covering the football game as they were about covering Cosell, Don Meredith and Frank Gifford talking about the game. So, it seems, KHON is covering Joe Moore talking about the news, with his “all-knowing” smirks at the camera. Within the first…

Ground-Breaking New Radio Show To Teach Internet “As Gaeilge”

Radio listeners across Ireland will join internet users worldwide next Monday, as they tune in to the first episode of a new series focusing on the social aspects of the internet. It’s the first time an Irish radio series has been devoted exclusively to the phenomenon of “online social networking”, of which the best known example in recent months has been Bebo. What’s more: all 59 episodes of the show will be in Irish. The programme is called An Líonra Sóisialta, which translates to The Social Network. It will broadcast a 12 minute episode each day for 12 weeks. So…

iTunesU class sailing smoothly… for the most part

I have written previously about the University of Hawai‘i system’s participation in the iTunes U program. It allows faculty to create course materials as either podcasts or vidcasts, and make them available through a special area of the iTunes Music Store. I am doing so with my class, The History and Development of Hawaiian Music. At the beginning of the semester we were required to send our course materials to staff at the university’s Information and Technology Services (ITS) staff in order to have materials posted. A few weeks ago they gave us the capability to do it ourselves, as…

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